Thinking About Thinking

And other not-so-meta thoughts on thinking styles and the growth mindset

It's very clear to me that DBC has come a long way since its inception. This prep program is rigorous and requires a great deal of self-awareness and mindfulness to succeed. Here are my thoughts on the experience so far through the lens of my thinking style.

Concrete Random

It's gotta be an oxymoron, right? Or a paradox, perhaps? Concrete random doesn't sound like it should be a thing, but it actually is. And it really describes my thinking style quite well.

First, a little background on what this actually is. There are many personality tests out there developed by a variety of well-respected, beloved(?) and famous(??) psychologists. This one in particular was developed by Anthony Gregorc and determines a person's perception qualities (Concrete or Abstract) and ordering abilities (Random or Sequential).

I tested pretty highly for Concrete Random, which makes sense. I love to experiment and learn by trial and error. According to some sources, these people are also characterized as having lots of projects going at once (me, yes, always) and have a hard time finishing them (oops).

I would say this characterizes me pretty well, although I've had more follow-through in the last eight months or so than I have in years! I've got a podcast that has been going strong for over a year now and is growing steadily and I also am in the process of planning a new business that I will be able to fully launch after DBC.

So, Phase 0

Right. There have definitely been some issues with my ability to stay focused on one thing for too long. Phase 0 has so far been structured in a way where I can skip around and do the challenges as I am inspired. However, with several other projects and commitments going on simultaneously, I have had a difficult time being able to focus in on the task at hand.

I am glad to say that my MO for a long time has been that once I get my teeth into something, I won't let it go. These blogs are a great example of that. As soon as I can get centered on them, I get on a roll and won't stop until I'm done.

Learning Environment

This is a weird one. From what I've read, concrete random thinkers prefer a quiet, ordered space. I'm not sure that's me. I used to study for finals at Buffalo Wild Wings because all of the noise and distractions would force me to focus on what I'm doing. But maybe all I need is stimulation. It doesn't have to be noise, just things going on that I can tune out. This paragraph solved very little.

Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, another one of those beloved and famous phychologists, has done a lot of work on how people can change based on their mindset. I love this concept and it is so true; people who see learning opporunities in every experience tend to have an inner belief that they can accomplish anything they want to, as long as they open their mind to learning it. They also recognize where their shortcomings are and work to change them.

At Dev Bootcamp, I want to be able to think more sequentially and organize my life and my mind in a more efficient and effective way. My goal is to get out of my comfort zone while also keeping and fine-tuning the qualities that got me to this point: ambition, determination intuition that has helped me see opportunities and find ways to take them.

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